Sunday, June 23, 2013

What is an appliance EnergyGuide label?

If you’ve shopped for appliances, you’ve seen the bright yellow EnergyGuide label. Recently revised so it’s easier to use, the label tells you how much energy an
appliance uses.

In the United States, the EnergyGuide appliance label is also shown on Energy Star label of qualifying products. All major home appliances must meet the Appliance Standards Program set by the US Department of Energy (DOE).

To earn the ENERGYSTAR, a product must meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy.


Yellow EnergyGuide labels are found mainly on large home appliances and they show an estimate of how much electricity that particular appliance will use over a year of average use.

The EnergyGuide label also shows an average of what it will cost over a year at an estimated power rate. If your local power rate is higher, you can multiply either the low or high kwhs given by your own local power rate to get a better idea of consumption costs.

Energy-efficient appliances are usually priced higher than conventional models, but since they use less energy, you will save money on your electric bills.

For the best energy savings, when you shop for a home appliance, choose a model with the lowest estimated usage shown on the EnergyGuide label, plus the presence of the EnergyStar logo.


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