Outdoor home videos are a special challenge- lighting, background, and subjects are often in motion. You cannot go wrong to select of outdoor surveillance cameras.
The most important specification for an outdoor security camera is its IP classification (a rating based on the International Protection Rating code). An IP rating has two digits, with each digit corresponding to a different type of protection.
- The first digit refers to the level of protection an enclosure provides its internal parts from solid foreign objects. It has a rating range of 0 (no protection) to 6 (highest level of protection).
- The second digit refers to water resistance, and it has a rating range of 0 (no protection) to 8 (highest level of protection).
The rating range goes from 0 (no protection) to 6 (highest level of protection). Optimally, an outdoor security camera should have an IP55 rating, which means it's resistant to both penetration by dust and water.
Outdoor surveillance cameras are easy to install and can be up and running in minutes. They come in both wired and wireless versions. Infrared capability so you can see-in-the-dark is usually only a few dollars more than the cameras without it.
Wireless cameras require mounting the camera and hooking up the video receiver inside your home to a video monitor or TV. Wired cameras require running cable inside the home to your monitor or TV. When buying a wired camera, look for models that come with their own cable. Ensure when purchasing an outdoor surveillance camera that it is listed as weatherproof.
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